Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Book Recommendation – “The BS Of My MS” by Lauri Wolf

81nRZHZVObL._SL1500_ A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Lauri Wolf, whom I had never corresponded with before. She indicated that she had been reading my blog, and proceeded to quote me from a February post where I lamented the lack of attention given to PPMS in the literature.
"…there’s very little in print that gives more than a passing mention to my particular type of MS…Going forward, if you find any new and interesting books on MS, please let me know."
In her email, Lauri indicated that indeed she did know of a new and interesting book on MS, because she had just published one on April 1. In her book she chronicles her experiences with PPMS, the particular variety of MS that she and I share. I immediately went to Amazon and purchased the Kindle version. When I finished reading the book I wrote this review at Amazon.com:
“Lauri Wolf has written the MS book that I've been waiting to read.

Like me, she has primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS), a particularly disabling form of the disease. Unlike the more common form of MS, relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, PPMS has seen no medical advancements. Ms. Wolf spent her career as a pharmacist, but is no longer able to work in that capacity. I believe she has found her true calling as a writer.

‘The BS of My MS’ chronicles her life challenges since being diagnosed some 14 years ago. Not only has she battled a creeping paralysis that has rendered her a quadriplegic, but she has dealt with other medical conditions, parenting challenges, marital struggles, and depression. But through it all she has emerged an emotionally and intellectually stronger person. Her secret? It's all about attitude. For example:

‘Beyond intelligence and common sense, I think the most important survival trait is a good sense of humor. I don't take myself too seriously and can laugh at myself. I allow myself some leeway, a margin of error, and make sure it's okay to fumble. If I didn't, I would be certain to disappoint myself often.’

Her writing is straightforward, brutally honest, and unembellished. It's the style of writing that draws you into the narrative and ushers you through the pages as if by absorption rather than through the conscious act of reading. I recommend this book especially for those dealing with chronic diseases, but also for anyone interested in reading about the triumph of the human spirit. I've read a lot of MS books over the years, but this one is now at the top of my list.”
And I meant every word of it. To visit the book website click here. To order the book at Amazon click here.

Thanks, Lauri, for sharing your story with us. I know you’re already working on book number two, and I look forward to its release.


  1. mitch- thanks for the tip about the book, i will def read it. your review reminds me of the old site, "multiple sclerosis sucks," which was brutally honest and seems to have disappeared. i am also interested in your experiences with intrathecal meth., as it was suggested to me as well. we decided against it for a few different reasons but i have another friend who is about to start it, who will hopefully have a better experience with the injections. she's doing hers in NYC, with a neurologist doing the actual injecting.

  2. I remember "multiple sclerosis sucks". I loved that site, and I'm sorry to learn that it is down.

    If your friend is getting intrathecal methotrexate injections from Doctor Sadiq's office in Manhattan, I'm quite sure they will go smoothly.

  3. With your ebullient book review there was no choice but to happily click "Purchase for your Kindle". Look forward to reading through it this week. Thanks for the tip.

    Regarding the MS sucks site, turns out I got a chance to meet up with the creator at a Seattle area get together many, many years ago - perhaps a decade ago. A most decent fellow. If I recall correctly the site was becoming too much work and there were other things he wanted to spend time on. It was a terrific site and really helped me work out what MS was going to mean to me several years after I was diagnosed.

    Thanks to the Google Waybackmachine here's the site:
