Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Making My Bed

So, you think making your bed is a pain in the ass? Try making my bed (I suggest using the full-screen button on the bottom right of the video):

If you don't see the video above, click here to watch it on YouTube.

The blue inflatables can be found here
The brown inflatable can be found here.


  1. You might consider trying an extendable stylus (available on Amazon) rather than a mouse, mainly because it would be easier to jam it in the covers when you aren't using it, and it won't roll out of bed. I have two friends who use them with ease.

  2. Interesting and useful video. I have SPMS and I'm in a wheelchair. Although I have most of my upper body functions, I am unable to sleep in a bed for longer than a maximum of two hours. I can't turn myself over without waking my wife; and my heels got sore if I lie too long not to mention my butt. So I sleep in a recliner as that way some of the problems are reduce - but not all. I need to find the best place for some of those great aids. Many thanks.

    1. You are welcome. If you go to the YouTube version of my video, I have links for the brown and blue mattresses.

    2. Thanks, Mitch. I've ordered the brown mattress. Where did the 'boots' come from? Feet and heels are one of my big problems so they could help.

    3. https://www.caregiverproducts.com/posey-premium-gel-heel-pillow.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAlpDQBRDmARIsAAW6-DPGOr21nBKj-c9TSOJwT4gYjKPGCRYPV6CdX37DmK24895Ss2boIkUaAux2EALw_wcB
