Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A New Way to "Enjoy the Ride"

If you would like to receive an email copy of each new post at Enjoying the Ride, enter your email address in the box to the right.  Think about it though.  Don't you already get enough junk mail?

Or, if you prefer you can use a feedreader (like Google Reader). Enjoying the Ride's feed URL is http://www.enjoyingtheride.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss .


  1. Or use a feedreader (like Google Reader). ETR's feed URL is http://www.enjoyingtheride.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

  2. Thanks Katja. I added your method to the post.

  3. Mitch, I subscribe to your RSS feed and it comes to my mail application. Just so you know, if you haven't seen me, it doesn't mean that I haven't seen you!

    Keep up the blogging.
