Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It Feels Good

I’ve written here before about how good it feels when somebody tells me that my blog has helped, that I’ve made a difference. Recently, I was able to help out in a different way.

My friend Margo’s knees are shot. They have been for a long time. She gets around with crutches while awaiting knee replacement surgery on both sides. Now her arms and hands are taking a beating from the crutches (notice her right hand in the photo to the right). She needs a power wheelchair for a couple of weeks before surgery, and then for a few months after. Her insurance company agreed to pay the rental costs. But Margo became frustrated with her attempts to find a rental chair and called upon me for help. Smart girl.

I tapped into all of my resources and came up empty. I have a backup, power chair of my own, other than my iBot. I told Margo that if we couldn’t find a rental chair for her that she could use mine. It might become tricky, however, if I need to use the chair or if the chair needs repairs. Late last week, I gave up on the rental option and determined that the only way for Margo to get a chair was to use mine, so Kim and I brought it over to her. She lives only a couple miles away, in a downtown area, in a wheelchair accessible apartment. Smart girl again.

I showed Margo how to operate the chair. That took about two minutes. She drove off into the sunset (so to speak), and we waved goodbye. The next day I emailed her to ask how it was going, and this was her response:

I just got back from my first roll around the neighborhood and it was MARVELOUS!  I window shopped and just looked at things I haven't been able to notice ever since I moved here.  And I didn't have to ice the knees when I got home!  I am so happy!   Thank you so much!

Ah, the joys of mobility!

On Monday, things got even better. I received a call from one of my contacts, and they have a rental chair available to Margo. Now she can take advantage of that option, and we’ll both have my chair as an emergency backup.

Some days I feel like such a burden, especially to my family. So it’s particularly rewarding when I’m able to use my experience with mobility issues to help someone out. I can’t wait to see Margo walking with her new knees.


  1. Most excellent. I can identify with your burdening feelings and the joy that comes when some burden can be lifted from others.

    Thanks for writing!

    1. Darren, thanks for checking in. Glad you liked the post.

  2. Gives new meaning to lending a helping hand. A helping wheel?

  3. What a great story! Now I feel as if I know Margo a little bit, myself. Mobility is everything to me too; every year I get another device. I've got a car scooter, a Bioness L-300 stim unit, a house scooter, and a stair lift from my upper to lower level. I'm thinking about getting a TravelScoot so I can travel more easily. Keeping everything charged is an interesting challenge, especially when coupled with my cell phone, my Kindle and my iPad. And you're right, it's such a great feeling to be able to help someone else!

    1. Daphne, yes, it sometimes quite a job to keep everything in our lives all charged up, including ourselves :-)
